API Reference


Endpoint: /v1/storybeats

This endpoint provides access to the Storybeats of a particular Storyform. The Storybeats are structured based on the selected Throughline, Scope (Transits, Progressions, Events), and Perspective.


URL: api.subtxt.app/v1/storybeats

Method: POST

Request Body

The request should include a JSON object with the following parameters:

{ "user_id": "required string", "structure_id": "required string", "perspective_id": "required string", "throughline": "required string", "scope": "required integer", "transit_id": "optional string", "progression_id": "optional string", "event_id": "optional string" }


  • user_id (required, string): The hashed unique identifier for the user making the request (e.g., "user_a1B2c3D4e5F6").
  • structure_id (required, string): The hashed unique identifier of the Storyform structure (e.g., "structure_g7H8i9J0k1L2").
  • throughline (required, string): Indicates which context the Storybeats should apply to. Valid values:
    • "Objective Story"
    • "Main Character"
    • "Obstacle Character"
    • "Relationship Story"
  • perspective_id (required, string): The hashed unique identifier of the Perspective being used (e.g., "perspective_m3N4o5P6q7R8").
  • scope (required, integer): Specifies the level of detail for the Storybeats. Valid values:
    • 1 for Transits
    • 2 for Progressions
    • 3 for Events
  • transit_id (optional, string): Specifies a particular Transit to retrieve. This is a hashed ID (e.g., "transit_zB7fiC9vznpGbcVjnxajj3Zc").
  • progression_id (optional, string): Specifies a particular Progression within a Transit (e.g., "progression_xY5wV4uT3sR2").
  • event_id (optional, string): Specifies a particular event within a Progression (e.g., "event_cD3eF4gH5iJ6").


The API will return a structured JSON object based on the parameters provided, detailing the requested Storybeats.

Example Request

Fetch events for the second progression within the first transit for the Obstacle Character, using a specific perspective

{ "user_id": "user_a1B2c3D4e5F6", "structure_id": "structure_g7H8i9J0k1L2", "throughline": "Obstacle Character", "perspective_id": "perspective_m3N4o5P6q7R8", "scope": 3, "transit_id": "transit_zB7fiC9vznpGbcVjnxajj3Zc", "progression_id": "progression_xY5wV4uT3sR2" }

Sample Response

{ "storybeats": [ { "appreciation": "Obstacle Character Event 1", "method": "Understanding", "illustration": "The mentor reveals crucial information", "summary": "The Obstacle Character imparts wisdom that challenges the Main Character's beliefs.", "storytelling": "In this event, the mentor shares a pivotal story from their past, causing the Main Character to question their own path.", "context": "Obstacle Character" } ] }


  • IDs Are Hashed: All identifiers (user_id, structure_id, perspective_id, transit_id, progression_id, event_id) are hashed strings for security purposes.
  • Nested Data Handling: If you provide specific transit_id, progression_id, or event_id, the API will return data scoped to those IDs. If omitted, it will return all relevant data based on the scope parameter.
  • Perspective Integration: Including the perspective_id allows the API to tailor the Storybeats according to a specific narrative viewpoint or analysis framework.


  • Throughline Values: Ensure that the throughline parameter matches one of the valid string options exactly.
  • Scope Levels:
    • 1 (Transits): Returns high-level story movements.
    • 2 (Progressions): Returns detailed sequences within Transits.
    • 3 (Events): Returns specific occurrences within Progressions.
  • Security: Since IDs are hashed, they should be treated as opaque identifiers without any assumption about their internal structure.

Additional Examples

Fetch all transits for the Objective Story with a specific perspective

{ "user_id": "user_a1B2c3D4e5F6", "structure_id": "structure_g7H8i9J0k1L2", "perspective_id": "perspective_m3N4o5P6q7R8", "throughline": "Objective Story", "scope": 1 }

Fetch progressions for the Main Character within a specific transit

{ "user_id": "user_a1B2c3D4e5F6", "structure_id": "structure_g7H8i9J0k1L2", "perspective_id": "perspective_m3N4o5P6q7R8", "throughline": "Main Character", "scope": 2, "transit_id": "transit_zB7fiC9vznpGbcVjnxajj3Zc" }