

Welcome to the "Imagining" section of Subtxt, where you get to lay the groundwork for the meaning of your story.

The Four Stages of Imagining

To aid you in this endeavor and offer a taste of what developing a story in this dynamic way feels like, Subtxt sets you on a step-by-step journey. This expedition carries you from your original Story Idea to a complete Storyform. This process unfolds across four stages:

Imagining: Narrative Agents

To aid you during the Imagining wave of building your story, Subtxt provides a handful of Narrative Agents. Simply select Imagining while within the development of a story to find helpful AI-powered bots.

These four groups of Agents match the four stages of Imagining:


The Imagining: Narrative Agents are a destructive process--meaning they will overwrite any Storytelling you have in this current section.

You might want to consider Downloading your Complete Story before engaging any of their services.

Complete Story

These Agents will take your Story Idea and extract the Four Throughlines from them. They will also determine and create both the Main Character and Obstacle Character, and will generate the Domains for all Four Throughlines. In addition, these Agents will conclude their services by writing a Blended Synopsis of all Four Throughlines.

Plot & Players

These Agents will generate the remaining cast of Objective Story Players, assign them to Archetypal elements, generate the Story Goal (or Story Intention and Story Overwhelm), and establish two Story Drivers (first and last if Male Mental Sex, middle and last if Female Mental Sex). In addition, these Agents will conclude their services by writing a Plot Synopsis of your Objective Story Throughline.

Character Arcs

These Agents will generate four Storypoints based on the MC Resolve your current Storyform. For the Changed Player they will generate illustrations for the Problem and Solution (or Condition and Revision if Female Mental Sex). For the Steadfast Player they will generate illustrations for the Problem and Evolution (Condition and Revision if Female Mental Sex). In addition, these Agents will conslude their services by writing Character Arc Synopses for both the Main Character Throughline and the Obstacle Character Throughline.