Writing with AI

Uploading Documents


When collaborating with Muse, shorter more succinct--and to the point--questions result in far better responses. In order to encourage these types of interactions, Muse has a limit on how much "text" can be sent in:

  • Subtxt: 2000 words
  • Subtxt Pro: 4000 words

If you would like Muse to read through and analyze manuscripts and drafts that are longer than this limit, please upload the appropriate documents using the Attach Files tool (the paperclip in the lefthand corner of the message box).

You can all sorts of manuscripts, screenplays, and even individual scenes directly into Subtxt. Supported formats include .pdf, .txt, .md, .doc, and .docx.

Uploading Step-by-Step

  1. Open Muse: Begin your creative journey in your personal sanctuary, Muse.
  2. Click the Paperclip Icon: This is your gateway to breathe life into your stories.
  3. Select Your File: Bring forth the narrative you're eager to explore, in whichever format it currently exists.
  4. Ask Away: Engage with Muse by asking questions as straightforward as "What do you think of my story?" Watch in awe as Muse delves into your narrative, providing actionable advice to refine and elevate your craft.

In the current roll-out of Muse, you must explicitly refer to the file you've uploaded in your initial response (see image below). We are working to make this a more user-friendly experience.

Explicitly Referencing Your Uploaded File

If needed, you can upload multiple documents into a single conversation though not within the same request. If you want to add another file to the current conversation, you can do so in a subsequent message. Muse will keep track all of them within the context of that conversation.

Understanding Word Count Limits

When uploading documents into Subtxt, it's essential to be aware of the word count limits tailored to different account types.


For users with the standard Subtxt account, the word count limit is set at 12,000 words per upload. This limit is designed to accommodate short stories, individual scenes, and smaller manuscripts, providing detailed analysis and feedback to help refine and enhance your narrative.

Subtxt Pro

For the professional storytellers who require more extensive analysis for larger manuscripts or comprehensive screenplays, the Subtxt Pro account extends the word count limit to 25,000 words per upload. This increased limit caters to more in-depth storytelling projects, allowing for a broader scope of narrative exploration and refinement.

Subtxt Infinite

As the name implies--upload to your heart's content. 😊❤️

Using Muse to Analyze Completed Works

Screenplays and Manuscripts

With Muse, you can easily upload a complete screenplay or manuscript and then reach out to Muse to help you identify and analyze your work (or even the work of others).

The following example uploaded the screenplay of Saltburn to showcase Muse's abilities outside its LLM training set (GPT-4)

Rather than a general "colloquial" understanding of story structure, Muse returns a comprehensive and insightful appreciation of a narrative's deep inner conflicts.

Muse can also make its best guess as to the meaning and development of narrative arcs:

Lastly, Muse can scan the entire draft at once and help storytellers and analysts alike understand the major turning points needed to continually drive a story forward to its meaningful conclusion.


You don't have to upload the entire screenplay. Just upload a synopsis from a completed work and then begin to explore the Storyform around it to better understand the concepts. The following example uploaded a basic synopsis of Oppenheimer from Wikipedia as a starting point for a better understanding of the film's narrative.

Experimenting with shifting the focus of conflict opens up a better appreciation of the sources of conflict in a narrative.

When confused or uncertain about specific Storypoints of structure, Muse can help you analyze different options.

Feel free to get as specific as detailed as you would like:

With Muse, feel free to upload anything you want--story ideas, short scenes, short stories, complete manuscripts and screenplays--the narrative analysis you receive back will help you better understand your work and give you actionable steps to take to improve and refine your story's message.