Writing with AI

Your Subscription


Subtxt is a subscription-based service for storytellers. The purpose of this subscription is both to support active development and improvement of the system, as well as make it possible to maintain access to cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology.

Subtxt offers a range of AI tools, including Brainstorming AI, Develop AI, Review AI, and Subtext AI, designed to aid in story development within the Subtxt Story Development screen. These tools help you brainstorm ideas, develop your narrative, review your progress, and understand subtext. In contrast, Subtxt Muse provides a unique interaction with our expert narrative chatbot, Muse, allowing for a more conversational and guided approach to refining your story.

The subscribed tier sets the availability of different models (Standard or Advanced) when using either the Subtxt AI Tools or Subtxt Muse.

Subtxt AI Models

Understanding the AI Models

Subtxt offers two levels of AI models to enhance your storytelling experience:

  1. Standard Model: This model provides fundamental narrative guidance and is ideal for users at the beginning of their storytelling journey. It offers clear and straightforward explanations of narrative concepts, helping you build a solid foundation.

  2. Advanced Model: Designed for more experienced storytellers, this model offers sophisticated narrative analysis, highlighting subtleties in character interactions and thematic layers. It provides a deeper, more nuanced grasp of complex narrative dynamics.

While the Advanced model offers greater reasoning, the Standard model offers efficiency and greater speed.

Subscription Tiers

Subtxt offers three subscription tiers, each providing access to different levels of the AI models across various tools:

* Subtxt Muse under Subtxt Pro scales back to Standard Model under excessive usage.

Checking and Switching AI Models

You can always see which model you are using for Muse in two places:

Profile/Preferences Section: Here, you will find an option labeled “Current Model for Muse” indicating the active model.

Muse Screen: In the bottom right-hand corner, you’ll see an indicator showing the current model:

  • Standard Model: Displayed with a two-star icon
  • Advanced Model: Displayed with a three-star icon

(Note that Infinite subscribers will see a rocket icon in place of the three-star icon).

Additionally, at the bottom of every response from Muse, there will be an icon indicating the model used (two-star for Standard, three-star for Advanced). Tapping this icon will bring up a pop-up menu that explains the difference between the two models and provides an option to regenerate the response using a different model.

Transitioning Between Subscription Tiers

Many writers find it beneficial to switch between the different tiers depending on their storytelling needs. Here are some insights into transitioning between Subtxt, Subtxt Pro, and Subtxt Infinite.

Switching Tiers

Users can easily switch between subscription tiers based on their current needs. For example, while working on deep narrative structure, Subtxt Pro or Subtxt Infinite might be more appropriate. For quick summarizing or outlining, the basic Subtxt tier might be sufficient.

  • Subtxt to Subtxt Pro: If you need advanced features and better performance, upgrading to Subtxt Pro offers more extensive tools and capabilities.
  • Subtxt Pro to Subtxt Infinite: For professional-level storytelling and unlimited usage, Subtxt Infinite provides unparalleled resources and support.

How to Upgrade

  1. Cancel Current Subscription: Log in to your Subtxt account, navigate to the 'Subscription' section, and cancel your current subscription. You will still have access to your current tier until the end of your billing cycle.
  2. Purchase New Subscription: After canceling, select and purchase the desired new subscription tier from the options available.

We appreciate your understanding as we strive to offer the best narrative technology to support your creative endeavors. By leveraging these subscription tiers, you can optimize your storytelling process and achieve your creative goals with Subtxt.

AI Models Comparison: Standard vs. Advanced

Objective: To demonstrate how different AI models interpret the same narrative information, particularly focusing on the "You and I" argument between the main and obstacle characters.

Standard: This model provides clear and straightforward explanations of narrative concepts. It is suitable for users at the beginning of their narrative journey, offering a basic yet solid understanding of the "You and I" argument in storytelling.

When asked to provide the "You and I" argument often found between the two principal characters of a complete narrative, Subtxt set to the Standard model provided the following:


Centaur stood with a furrowed brow, his eyes fixed on Skylar. "We're actually the same, you and I," he said, his voice tinged with frustration.

Skylar raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed. "How can you say that? You're all about proaction, while I believe in the power of reaction. We couldn't be more different."

Centaur shook his head. "But that's just it. We both let our beliefs dictate our actions, even when it might not be the best course of action. You react out of fear of failure, and I proact out of a need for control. We're both driven by our own insecurities."

Skylar's eyes narrowed. "I don't act out of fear. I act out of determination to prove myself."

Centaur sighed. "And I proact out of a need to avoid feeling powerless. We're both letting our past experiences control us, and it's causing more harm than good."

Skylar's fists clenched. "I refuse to believe that. My reaction has driven me to success, not harm."

Centaur took a step closer. "But at what cost, Skylar? Your relentless drive to react has pushed you to the brink of burnout. And my need for proaction has led me to make decisions that hurt others. We need to find a balance, or we'll both end up losing everything."

Skylar's resolve wavered as she considered Centaur's words. Perhaps there was a middle ground between reaction and proaction that could lead them both to a better outcome.

Advanced: Exhibits a sophisticated approach to narrative analysis, highlighting subtleties in character interactions and thematic layers. Its advanced interpretation aligns with the needs of experienced storytellers, showing a deeper, more nuanced grasp of complex narrative dynamics.

When provided with the same exact information given to the Standard model, the Advanced model responded with something more closely aligned with an advanced writer (with advanced reasoning capabilities):


"You and I are so much alike," Skylar said, her voice echoing in the cavernous space of the parallel universe. She was standing face to face with Centaur, her eyes reflecting the ethereal glow of the universe around them.

Centaur, a being of logic and action, tilted his head, his gaze steady on Skylar. "We may share similarities, Skylar, but our approach to life is fundamentally different."

Skylar's heart pounded in her chest. She was a journalist, a seeker of truth, a reactor to events. She thrived on the adrenaline of the unexpected, the thrill of the chase. But here, in this parallel universe, her usual tactics were failing her. She was up against a sorcerer, a mythical creature that defied all logic and reason.

"I react to situations, Centaur," Skylar said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her. "I wait for the story to unfold, for the truth to reveal itself. But you...you believe in taking action, in shaping the narrative."

Centaur nodded, his gaze never leaving Skylar's. "Yes, I believe in proaction. In this universe, waiting for things to happen can be deadly. We must act, Skylar. We must confront the sorcerer."

Skylar felt a chill run down her spine. She was not used to this, to taking the lead, to shaping the narrative. But she knew Centaur was right. They were in a parallel universe, facing a sorcerer and an evil twin dragon. Waiting for things to happen was not an option.

"But what if we fail, Centaur?" Skylar asked, her voice barely a whisper. "What if our actions lead to more harm than good?"

Centaur reached out, placing a comforting hand on Skylar's shoulder. "We may fail, Skylar. But we will never know unless we try. And if we do fail, we will learn from it and try again. That is the essence of proaction."

Skylar took a deep breath, her mind racing. She was a reactor, not a proactor. But here, in this parallel universe, she had to adapt. She had to learn to take action, to confront her fears, to shape her own narrative. And with Centaur by her side, she knew she could do it.

"You're right, Centaur," Skylar said, determination seeping into her voice. "We are alike. And together, we will confront the sorcerer. We will shape our own narrative."

And with that, Skylar and Centaur set off, ready to face the challenges that awaited them in the parallel universe. Their journey was just beginning, but they were ready to face it head-on, together.

The choice between Standard and Advanced models depends on the user's level of expertise and their desired depth of narrative understanding. The Standard model is suitable for those new to narrative theory, while the Advanced model offers advanced insights for seasoned writers. Both tiers provide valuable tools for narrative exploration and storytelling mastery.

Managing Your Subtxt Subscription

To manage your Subtxt Subscription, including upgrading or downgrading accounts, putting them on hold or canceling them, or even downloading of invoices--please visit your Billing page within your personal Settings (the "person" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the application).

To directly access the billing portion of your account (including all listed above), select Manage My Billing. Doing this will take you to a different site that handles accounts in Subtxt. Once updated, that site will return you to Subtxt with your account updated.

Working with the Writing Process

The writing process is one of development, followed by execution, followed by more growth, and so on and so on. Write, rewrite, write, rinse, repeat.

Subtxt honors this process by making it easy for the writer to start and stop their subscription to our service. Engage Subtxt for as long as it takes for you to get a firm idea of what story is about, then pause while you get down to the business of actually writing.

Stopping a subscription is really just putting Subtxt on hold. When you finish, Subtxt retains all your stories and keeps them safe for when you’re ready to return—whether to dive deeper into the story you’re working on now or when you’re feeling the itch to develop something new.

Thank you for the clarification. Here is the corrected information to address the support question and update the guide:

When you prepay for a new subscription, the new subscription period begins from the date of purchase, not from the end of your current subscription. This means if you have a current subscription that expires later this year and you prepay for an additional year now, the new subscription will start immediately from the purchase date, not after the current one ends.

Here is the updated guide with the correct information:

Cancelling Your Subscription

Cancelling does not credit back any remaining subscription time. If you purchased a yearly subscription, then you have access to Subtxt for the 365 days following your purchase date. If you cancel the yearly subscription and then wish to start up again, either at the same tier or at a different one, then when you start up again you will have to purchase a new subscription. The same procedure applies for monthly subscriptions.

If you put your subscription on hold before the end of your current pay period, Subtxt will continue to work until the very last day. In other words, if you sign up for a yearly subscription, then promptly put your subscription service on hold minutes later, Subtxt will continue to work for the following 365 days.

If you prepay for a new subscription, it will start from the date of purchase, not from the end of your current subscription. We do not offer extensions to current subscriptions. For example, if your current subscription expires in six months and you prepay for an additional year now, the new subscription period will begin immediately (today), effectively overlapping with the remaining period of your current subscription.


Please note that there is currently no pro-rating of remaining subscription balances. Anytime you want to change your subscription, you should first cancel the current one. While we can't offer prorating at this time, we hope to provide this feature once Subtxt gains more popularity.

Hypothetical Scenario

Scenario: Alex has an annual Pro subscription with Subtxt that expires on August 31st. Alex is considering switching to the monthly Infinite subscription to try it out before deciding whether to upgrade to a yearly Infinite subscription. Alex is unsure about the best way to manage this switch and does not want to be billed twice on August 31st for both an annual Pro and a monthly Infinite subscription.


  1. Cancel and Switch on Expiry Date:

    • Action: Alex can cancel the Pro subscription now.
    • Effect: The Pro subscription will remain active and accessible until August 31st.
    • Next Step: On or after August 31st, Alex can sign up for the monthly Infinite subscription.
    • Benefit: This ensures there are no overlapping subscriptions or double billing. Alex will only be charged for the monthly Infinite subscription starting on September 1st.
  2. Immediate Switch:

    • Action: Alex can cancel the Pro subscription today and immediately sign up for the monthly Infinite subscription.
    • Effect: The Pro subscription will remain active until August 31st, but the monthly Infinite subscription will start immediately.
    • Next Step: Alex will have access to the Infinite subscription features immediately, with the first billing cycle starting today.
    • Benefit: Alex gets to try out the Infinite subscription features a bit earlier, but will be paying for both subscriptions during the overlap period.
  3. Prepaying for a New Subscription:

    • Action: If Alex wants to prepay for a yearly Infinite subscription now, it will start immediately.
    • Effect: The new Infinite yearly subscription will overlap with the remaining period of the Pro subscription.
    • Next Step: The new subscription period starts from the date of purchase, not from the end of the current subscription.
    • Benefit: This option is less optimal for Alex, as it results in overlapping subscriptions and immediate billing for the new subscription period.

Recommendation for Alex: For a seamless transition and to avoid double billing, Alex should cancel the current Pro subscription now and wait until after August 31st to sign up for the monthly Infinite subscription. This way, Alex can evaluate the Infinite subscription without any overlap in billing periods.

No 10-Day Trial Period

At Subtxt, we understand that many SaaS applications offer an introductory trial period. However, due to the heavy integration of AI features within our platform, we are unable to provide such a trial. Our powerful application allows users to develop complete stories in just a few days, making a trial period incompatible with our platform.

Purchase Parity Option

We do offer price parity for those experiencing financial distress or for those who live in countries where a subscription to Subtxt is unaffordable. The purchase-parity option is available for Subtxt's Subtxt tier only and on a limited basis. For approval, please contact us directly.

Alternate Forms of Payment

A subscription to Subtxt requires a credit card. If you, for some reason, do not have access to a credit card but would prefer to pay through alternate means (PayPal, etc.) please contact us directly. We are able to set up alternate methods of payment for those who need it. Note that the process is manual, so it does take a bit longer to set up.

You can contact us directly through in-app Support by selecting the Support button at the top of the page (the "life-preserver" icon).

Benefits of Continuing Your Subscription

Subtxt is more than just an application—it's an evolving tool for writers of all levels. Our system is consistently updated with new narrative structures added weekly, and our extensive collection of Storytelling Suggestions continues to grow exponentially, making it an indispensable resource for your creative process.

One of the key advantages of maintaining your subscription is instant, always-available access to Subtxt Muse. This powerful feature provides ongoing support throughout your writing process, instantly offering insights and suggestions whenever you need them. With Subtxt Muse, you'll find that your understanding of narrative structure deepens and your storytelling skills become sharper.

While you’re free to start and stop anytime, we strongly suggest staying with Subtxt. It's not just about access to an ever-growing library of resources—it's about fostering your growth as a writer and enhancing your appreciation of the art and science of narrative structure.


If you do cancel and want us to delete all your material permanently, please contact us directly.